Key stage 2 resources
Young people are increasingly becoming more aware of the effects of climate change and the damage we are doing to the planet. By teaching at an early age, the importance of waste, recycling and our environment, we can help establish behaviours that will continue throughout their lives. We have developed some helpful resources that can support your pupils in learning about the environment and what they can do to help protect it.
What is climate change?
In this presentation we introduce climate change. In this session we learn about our planet, its climate and how our actions impact it.
Why are materials different?
In this science experiment we investigate different material properties, how they can be used to sort materials into groups with similar properties, and how we use this to sort recycling into different bins.
The 3Rs – Reduce, Re-use, Recycle
This presentation can be delivered in class or used at home to understanding how we can reduce, re-use and recycle in our own areas. Please note there are multiple versions based on geographic location.
- The 3R's - KS 2 Rotherham
- The 3R's - KS 2 Doncaster
- The 3R's - KS 2 Barnsley
- The 3R's - KS 2 Sheffield
What are the 3Rs?
This poster, which can be used in school or at home, shows the importance of the different levels of the waste hierarchy, including examples of simple things that young people can do as part of each tier.
Sort your rubbish!
In this activity pupils will sort waste into the correct bins, this can be done in class or at home. Please note there are multiple versions based on geographic location.
- Rubbish sorting activity - KS 2 Rotherham
- Rubbish sorting activity - KS 2 Doncaster
- Rubbish sorting activity - KS 2 Barnsley
- Rubbish sorting activity - KS 2 Sheffield
What goes in our bins?
In this activity, pupils will sort waste into the correct bins, this can be done in class or at home. Please note there are multiple versions based on geographic location.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle poster
This poster, which can be used in school or at home, shows the importance of the different levels of the waste hierarchy, including examples of simple things that young people can do as part of each tier.
How is our waste recycled?
These short video clips go through the processes used to recycled materials such as glass, cans and plastic bottles in an easy to follow way.
Global warming parachute game
This activity demonstrates the effect of fossil fuel use on global warming and the finite nature of fossil fuels. This activity can be done with equipment found in most schools.
Melt the ice
Materials and their properties
This science experiment allows pupils to investigate the different properties of materials and how they group into different categories. This can be performed in the classroom or at home using everyday objects.
Magnets and materials
This science experiment allows pupils to investigate what materials are magnetic. This experiment can be performed using equipment found in most classrooms/schools.
Where does our rubbish go?
This presentation introduces pupils to the BDR waste facility and the process used to sort materials from our general waste bins.