Upcoming legislation
Resources and Waste Strategy and the Environment Bill
How we use, recycle and dispose of our resources and waste and the impact this can have on our environment is incredibly important. We have been working hard to ensure that our voices have been heard by central Government during the consultations on the upcoming Resources and Waste Strategy for England and Environment Bill. We are passionate about ensuring that, as we exit Europe, we have the necessary legislation in place that is fit for purpose and reflects the modern waste industry.
Resources and Waste Strategy for England
This strategy sets out how England will preserve its stock of material resources such as the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live on and the stock of material resources used in our daily lives. This will be achieved by minimising waste, promoting resource efficiency and moving towards a circular economy. It aims to simultaneously minimise damage to the natural environment by reducing and managing waste safely and carefully, and tackling waste crime. This strategy ties in to the Government’s 25-year Environment Plan.
Environment Bill
The Environment Bill sets out how Government intends to protect and improve the natural environment in the UK. This bill is a key element of the 25-year Environment Plan and helps to manage the impact of human activity on the environment, creating a more sustainable and resilient economy and enhancing well-being and quality of life. It will engage and empower citizens, local government and businesses to deliver environmental outcomes and create a positive legacy for future generations.
25-year Environment Plan
The 25-year Environment Plan sets targets to improve the UK’s air and water quality and protect plants, trees and wildlife species. The plan focuses on ten key areas including using resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently, mitigating and adapting to climate change and minimising waste.